Community Outreach & Partnership program

Community Outreach & Partnership Program

PWG supports community initiatives under its strategic objective of building local leadership capacity. Facilitating the Community-based approach to leadership translates the out puts from our global conferences and international priorities into community-led responses. Key recommendations and ideas are then built on in the various communities, through focal points volunteers and staff in the respective regions.


Focal points

The majority of PWG activities are supported by Focal points in each region. PWG Focal Points exist in various regions, and guidelines have been developed on their tasks, including organizing global conferences in their region, and establishing of PWG networking or community groups on thematic or local issues, – led by local women in the community with an affiliation to PWG. Webinars and speaker series are often organized.  Please check news and events in your region to see what is coming up.


Community Groups

Would you like to create or Join a PWG Community group in your area?

  • PWG can support you to promote your own network/community group in the region where you live, or to bring together people of similar professions or interests to share ideas ,challenges and organize community events.
  • Build your network of women who share similar interests, and are members of women’s networks
  • Motivate and energize your existing members and reach out to new members
  • Find inspirational speakers and workshop leaders for your own events


Partnerships with Organizations

At PWG we bring together many of the world’s most incredible women’s associations, NGOs, networking groups, academic institutions and world-class organisations, with the opportunity for members to meet face to face at the global Conferences. We collaborate with organizations that share our vision and mission, who are able to actively contribute to the empowerment of women and girls, who support the development of women’s careers and addressing inclusion and diversity issues in the workplace   and other causes to enhance the lives of women. Joint projects can be undertaken.

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