This was the first and inaugural conference held in Geneva at the Novotel Hotel on 19 September 2018. This was a collaborative effort with the African Professionals Network. A diverse group of women leaders attended. Topics included: African Women professionals in the UN – Climbing up the ladders; Women NGO Founders- Inspired by a Cause; Women and Money: banking, finance, trade –Breakout sessions on Women’s health, legal and humanitarian work, mentoring and coaching were included. A diverse group of women took interest in the session on women writers and artists. Participants: were predominantly Women and girls, looking for career options, new opportunities for professional development, or enhancing their current career or business including members of women’s’ networks. The conference brought together three generations of women:
- accomplished phenomenal leaders,
- middle-level (emerging leaders) and
- young girls/students (aspiring leaders).
Men supportive of womens causes also attended. Approximately 180 participants came.
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